CO-Check 為不同的機構和客戶提供了多種定價計劃。如有需要,歡迎與我們聯繫。
CO-Check 助您進入新常態,
我們相信一個健康的學習環境是每個學生成長的保障。CO-Check 希望與您為學生和教職員工建立一個安心的學習環境。
Thank you for your interest in CO-Check test. Please kindly provide your information through the following form for us to serve your need. We look forward to working with you in protecting our communities.
感謝您關注我們的CO-Check 測試。請填妥以下信息以幫助我們更好地爲您提供服務。我們期待與您携手保護我們的社群。
- Pink / Purple line appears in both the "C" and "T" region
- 粉紅色/紫色線同時出現在“ C”和“ T”區域
- Protein antigen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus were found in your sample
- 樣本中含有新冠病毒抗原.
- Pink / Purple line appears in only the "C" region
- 粉紅色/紫色線僅出現在“ C”區域
- Protein antigen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus were not found in your sample.
- 樣本中檢測不出新冠病毒抗原
- No Pink / Purple line in the "C" region
- “C”區域中沒有粉紅色/紫色線
- The test is unable to determine whether there are proteins antigen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or not. A new test is needed.
- 不正確地操作或檢測卡損壞,應再仔細閲讀使用手冊,用新的測試套裝重新檢驗